The Tales of Leo pt3

“My Cleo is good but could do with more training,
The Chilin’s are so ready to go out there.
And when they are grow’d then their turn it will be
To train spouse and grandchildren to help me.”

“Tut!, Tut!, Tut!” says the Sargent. “Humph! Humph! Humph! as he grumbles.
More Leos and Cleo’s he could just see a-rumbles
Amidst the houses and the inns, the ships and the bins
“What’s this world going to be like when Leo approaches?”

1,2,3,4,and 5 he could see furry noses
A-peaking at him from very close quarters
To Cleo who was doting to make sure that their fur
Had a good coating and to clean up their hindquarters.

So that would make 7 he would have to keep watch
To see just where in town they were heading
To get what they needed and bring it back home here
When he realised advice would not be heeded.

“Now what do we here Leo, what’s that you have?
Your treasures are normally simple.
But I see from my list of what has gone amiss,
Do you have garden gloves?  And is that Sister Robinson’s wimple?”

“Ah Sergeant Todd I declare, I never did thought
That the nunnery I visited last evening,
Was where Sister Robinson would hang pretty things.
Please return with my very best loving feelings!”

“And garden gloves I have several they fit all the sizes
I have several you see for the takings.
Whose hands are denied the protection from twigs?
Ah, that we would have a neighbour be aching –
Was it Mr Richards or have we upset Mr Briggs?”

“Never to mind young Leo,” I say to the rogue,
“It doesn’t matter whose gloves they belong to.
They just want them back, as in their financial state
To replace they’re not able to do so.

End pt3

Click here for Pt 4

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Debbie Nicholson

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