Why Care For Your Cats Teeth? Pt 1

There is nothing more disgusting that bad breath in humans let alone your animals.  As with humans, there h as to be an underlying reason when you notice a problem with bad breath or otherwise known as Halitosis.

Everyone suffers bad breath from what they have just eaten – even cats have the same problem.  However, there is a difference to having bad fishy breath or garlicy breath than smelling like a tank of unmentionables just exploded way down deep somewhere in your body that is now in your mouth and you can’t get far enough away from it to get a long way from the stench.

As with anything there are causes – deep down causes and the unpleasant odour is just a warning that something is not right inside.

It might just be a matter of something wrong inside your mouth.  Where a cat is concerned, dental disease is the most common problem behind bad breath.  We at least are trained to brush our teeth and rinse our mouths at least twice a day, but where your cat is concerned he does not have such luxuries as a toothbrush or a mouth rinse thrust at him by his mother from the moment he is walking.

Even in cats, they have saliva and they have plaque, both of which carry their own form of bacteria.  If plaque never gets removed then a cats mouth is subject  to all sorts of disease that also plague us humans.  Mineralised plaque forms tartar and if the plaque is not removed then this will lead to periodontal disease which is simply an inflammation that forms on the structures that support and surround the teeth – gums easily become involved with this inflammation and there you have it – instant bad odours from the mouth caused through insufficient cleaning of the mouth area to put it nicely.

The pain that comes with all of this inflammation then causes your cat to stop chewing effectively and then of course he probably will not enjoy being touched in that area either and will start to resent and react accordingly and become a very grumpy cat.

Please do not think you can carry out general tooth cleaning with your own brush and toothpaste – cats have their own specially designed tooth maintenance machinery and potions  – take your cat to the Vet to carry out this procedure and often.

If left untreated and uncleaned, then other serious health problems will result – not just oral pain, but abscesses, loss of teeth, infections throughout the body and a failure in heart and kidney health.

We are talking SERIOUS when it comes to bad breath.

Bad breath can be caused by smelly diets.   Not sure what you can do about that when your cat probably loves his food – and a particular flavour and make.

Click here for Pt 2

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Debbie Nicholson

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