Part 5

Have you ever given any thought as to the hydration value of food you give your cat? When animals are in the wild, the prey they eat are alive and well before consumption and therefore are made up generally of around 70% water.  Tinned food might average perhaps 78% water content.  Dry food, however, is known to only contain around 10% of any type of included fluid; therefore it is safe to say that a cat on only dry food will probably suffer health problems like Chronic Renal Failure and/or kidney or bladder stones. Now being a chronic sufferer myself of such an illness, I can just imagine the pain that a cat would suffer.

A cat’s water intake needs to be in great volumes, not just small sips. Their food needs to contain a maximum amounts of fluid in its makeup.  Dry kibbled food does not provide this for them.  I think the ratio of water to dry food would be 1 cup of water for every 10 pounds of body weight and that is over a 24 hour period.  Of course, in warmer weather, your cat would need more.  However, as with children, I have never seen our cat drink a lot of water before during or after a meal of dry kibbled food, have you?

Go ahead and provide the appropriate amount of water, however, then it is your job to supervise that your cat actually drinks it all up as well. Even with tinned food, your cat would need to drink at least 1/3 to ½ that amount of water as well.  A tip from a reader is perhaps to mix your food offering with plenty of water to make sure the water intake is being taken advantage of.  That way, if your cat just still will not drink enough water, then it is getting it directly from its food anyway.

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Debbie Nicholson

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