Part 2

“Where he was going I suspect, I wonder where that is?

Well, not to worry, all I want is to look.

I’m not bothered about all the other stuff that is his,

So long as I check out what might be easily took.”

“Hmmm there’s that smell again that smells so delectably nice!

A little peek over here might allow me

To find out just what would my instincts entice.

It is just over there near that small Box of tea.”


“Aaah catnip I should have been aware up till now

That Smith has some plants in his garden.

Of course if he’s moving, he’d want to use the plough

And take with him his favourite Bernadine.”


“I always laughed when to his favourite plant he referred

Giving it a name that so suited his pocket.
A name that to me was just a big word,

But it was he who planted it next to the Rocket.”


“Aaaah catnip you smell just so gloriously right

I so badly would like some this minute!

It won’t take too long and I can keep the crate in my sight.

Aaaah catnip there’s truly no substitute.”


So over to the small box of tea Leo sauntered

Drawn in by that catnip his favourite

Already his thoughts and ideas being distorted

Immediate plans for the crate being thwarted.


In the meantime the orange-suits had altered their pace

Their comings and goings had just then been ceased.

Poor Leo was so under he’d not heard them close up the space,

That they were now heading back up to southeast.


He lay down beside the small tea box and snuggled

Right up to the plants named Bernadine.

His brain was quite totally and rightly befuddled

By those plants that had come from Smith’s garden.


The crate had totally gone out of his head.

Dessert with Cleo and Todd was forgotten.

He was so away with the catnip that by now was spread

All around on the floor.  It was awesome.


In the meantime Sergeant Todd and Cleo were concerned

That Leo had not come back from his venture.

They had seen him jump up but had not yet returned.

They had the feeling that he had gone by misadventure.

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Debbie Nicholson

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Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

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We are moving

Sergeant Todd

On The Motorway

Catnip Plant

Small Box Of Tea

Amis de Chat Book 2

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