Articles tagged with: Leo

Leo’s On The Move Pt 4

Part 4

The drivers they scratched their heads and they muttered

To each other, just what could they do now?
They just knew that t’was essential to keep the door shuttered

To keep their small passenger safe and secure somehow.


In Te Kuiti the truck came to a stop suddenly,

It was here their replacements would meet them.

The SPCA with its VET lovingly

Was already standing there to greet them.


They had a cage for to carry our Leo to safety.

The trick was to open the door and to pluck him

From the confines of the truck and they were sure that he’d be

In a panic! They had to grab him by his forelimbs.


Cautiously they all gathered at the back by the door

Listening carefully to all sounds coming from inside.

Leo in the meantime was laid out on the floor.

He was definitely not at all terrified.


The door they inched up on its chains carefully

Expecting to find Leo quite traumatised.

But to their dismay, their attitude cheerfully!

No sign of dear Leo.  But a site quite disorganised.


“Leo,” they called with their cage carefully staged

By the door so he couldn’t escape them.

The last thing they needed was a cat quite enraged

Who could create a lot more frenzied mayhem.


The drivers and VET were puzzled somewhat

When no answer or cat could they locate.

The drivers jumped up and were soon quite dumbstruck

When by the small box of tea there was their mate.


The 3 of them laughed when they realised what had happened

That Leo was full of his catnip.

Therefore getting him into the cage was so easy, unimagined

Settling down on the mattress quite automatic.


Sergeant Todd had enquired and found that a car

Being despatched back to New Plymouth was a day away,

So Leo was put up by Smith’s daughter who thought it all bizarre.

This adventure of Leo was happening on her birthday!

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Debbie Nicholson

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Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links

Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

We are moving

Te Kuiti

The Crate

New Plymouth

Leo Drunk

Amis de Chat Book 2

Amis de ChatNew Product Launch

Leo’s On The Move Pt 2

Part 2

“Where he was going I suspect, I wonder where that is?

Well, not to worry, all I want is to look.

I’m not bothered about all the other stuff that is his,

So long as I check out what might be easily took.”

“Hmmm there’s that smell again that smells so delectably nice!

A little peek over here might allow me

To find out just what would my instincts entice.

It is just over there near that small Box of tea.”


“Aaah catnip I should have been aware up till now

That Smith has some plants in his garden.

Of course if he’s moving, he’d want to use the plough

And take with him his favourite Bernadine.”


“I always laughed when to his favourite plant he referred

Giving it a name that so suited his pocket.
A name that to me was just a big word,

But it was he who planted it next to the Rocket.”


“Aaaah catnip you smell just so gloriously right

I so badly would like some this minute!

It won’t take too long and I can keep the crate in my sight.

Aaaah catnip there’s truly no substitute.”


So over to the small box of tea Leo sauntered

Drawn in by that catnip his favourite

Already his thoughts and ideas being distorted

Immediate plans for the crate being thwarted.


In the meantime the orange-suits had altered their pace

Their comings and goings had just then been ceased.

Poor Leo was so under he’d not heard them close up the space,

That they were now heading back up to southeast.


He lay down beside the small tea box and snuggled

Right up to the plants named Bernadine.

His brain was quite totally and rightly befuddled

By those plants that had come from Smith’s garden.


The crate had totally gone out of his head.

Dessert with Cleo and Todd was forgotten.

He was so away with the catnip that by now was spread

All around on the floor.  It was awesome.


In the meantime Sergeant Todd and Cleo were concerned

That Leo had not come back from his venture.

They had seen him jump up but had not yet returned.

They had the feeling that he had gone by misadventure.

Thanks for reading my blog.
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Debbie Nicholson

Click here for your Audio link to this blog

Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links

Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

We are moving

Sergeant Todd

On The Motorway

Catnip Plant

Small Box Of Tea

Amis de Chat Book 2

Amis de ChatNew Product Launch

Leo’s On The Move Pt 1


The Adventures of Leo continue.


Part 1

Leo ventured out onto the street corner

He wasn’t too far from the bleachers

After all he was known as the Great Explorer

And he puzzled about old Smith’s procedures.


The moving van was outside his gate

And orange-suited men walked in and out

Carrying boxes, lamp shades and even a crate

He’d not seen before in Smith’s house.


After all, old Smith and that daughter of his

Were regular customers in his business

Surely if things were going to be found

That crate would have been home to great wealth.


“I must see for myself,” said Leo out loud.

“I must see just what is inside her.

That crate looks suspicious although it is bound

Up by rope I need to get up and untie her.”


“It seems that old Smith must be moving away

Those men just keep on a-coming

It won’t take much to get on the driveway

I might have to move by my jumping


Up high I could leap and land right beside

That crate that keeps beckoning me forward

And even if I miss I could easily slide

It just might be a little bit awkward.”


“Oh there is my Cleo and who’s that up with her?

Why Sergeant Todd must have come by to see us.

He would pick today when it’s vital I transfer

Myself to check out all the fuss.”


“That crate is mysterious, it has to be looked

at by me who is known as the expert

I hate to be guilty I might have overlooked

I could be up and back before she serves up the dessert.”


The Allied orange-suits keep up the good work

Of transferring boxes, the stands and are those plates?

The books and the pots and the pans and the artwork.

“I’ve got to get up and check out that crate.”


Leo quietly walked around the big wheels on the back

Of the truck that was housing the crate

“Hmmm, it smells like there might even be a nice snack.”

Up he leapt and tumbled into the freight.


He found a sharp rock and he carefully chiselled

At the rope that was so neatly bound

The writing on the crate was so carefully initialled

By old Smith who’d addressed it to the town

Click here for Part 2

Click here for Part 3

Click here for Part 4

Thanks for reading my blog.
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Debbie Nicholson

Click here for your Audio link to this blog

Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links

Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

We are moving

Moving Truck

The Crate

Leo Leaping

The Rock

Amis de Chat Book 2

Amis de ChatNew Product Launch

The Tales of Leo pt4

The Tales of Leo pt4

“Ah well, any more Sergeant Todd? I declare,
Are there items you see that are claimed for
On your list that I see that you have carefully
Unfolded, it looks mighty long Sir.”

“No, no, I have looked and is this all you have?
Is this the collection you have from yesterday?”
“Yes, it is all right here, I remember you said
That you needed to look every day.”

“Well, we are a great team – with my list and your things
Better to go about it rather professional.
That way we can keep the complainers at bay
And to make sure to keep all things quite credible. “

So off with his goods, neath his arm tightly tucked
Sargent Todd left in seeming good spirits.
He laughed to himself when he mused what they’d done.
“Cats as burglars, who’d think?  When I read the minutes. “

It’s hard to suppose, that a mere cat can be guilty
Of such crime right beneath all their noses
“Their own faults,” he says, “because they do take them in
Giving them food, water, shelter when it hoses.”

“I bet Leo uses every opportunity to scope
All the places that are so friendly to him.
So when it is time all they all need is to climb
Over the walls, and I bet he lets them straight in!”

“And 7 there be soon, so the hauls will amass
I wonder what Leo does with what’s over?
He does wait for me, thankfully, Cleo’s a good lass
She has tamed him, he was such a pushover.”

“How times have changed, since Leo came to town
When I found him, so desperately starving.
Some beggar had gone off and left him to drown
That night never forgot! Leo’s now my son.”



And that’s the end of part 4.

Thanks for reading my blog
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Debbie Nicholson

Click here for your Audio link to this blog

Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links

Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

The Story of Charlie

Cat Burglars


Suffolk in England

Royal Memorabilia

British Crown Jewels

Amis de Chat Book 2

Amis de Chat


The Tales Of Leo pt3


The Tales of Leo pt3

“My Cleo is good but could do with more training,
The Chilin’s are so ready to go out there.
And when they are grow’d then their turn it will be
To train spouse and grandchildren to help me.”

“Tut!, Tut!, Tut!” says the Sargent. “Humph! Humph! Humph! as he grumbles.
More Leos and Cleo’s he could just see a-rumbles
Amidst the houses and the inns, the ships and the bins
“What’s this world going to be like when Leo approaches?”

1,2,3,4,and 5 he could see furry noses
A-peaking at him from very close quarters
To Cleo who was doting to make sure that their fur
Had a good coating and to clean up their hindquarters.

So that would make 7 he would have to keep watch
To see just where in town they were heading
To get what they needed and bring it back home here
When he realised advice would not be heeded.

“Now what do we here Leo, what’s that you have?
Your treasures are normally simple.
But I see from my list of what has gone amiss,
Do you have garden gloves?  And is that Sister Robinson’s wimple?”

“Ah Sergeant Todd I declare, I never did thought
That the nunnery I visited last evening,
Was where Sister Robinson would hang pretty things.
Please return with my very best loving feelings!”

“And garden gloves I have several they fit all the sizes
I have several you see for the takings.
Whose hands are denied the protection from twigs?
Ah, that we would have a neighbour be aching –
Was it Mr Richards or have we upset Mr Briggs?”

“Never to mind young Leo,” I say to the rogue,
“It doesn’t matter whose gloves they belong to.
They just want them back, as in their financial state
To replace they’re not able to do so.

End pt3

Click here for Pt 4

Thanks for reading my blog
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Debbie Nicholson

Click here for your Audio link to this blog

Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links

Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

The Story of Charlie

Cat Burglars


Suffolk in England

Royal Memorabilia

British Crown Jewels

Amis de Chat Book 2

Amis de Chat


The Tales Of Leo pt2

The Tales of Leo pt2

And so Leo began his long story of old,
Of how Great Grand Pussy was King of his Realm
He had his own Sceptre, his Ring, his own Stamp,
A Throne and he had his own Crown.

Royalty he was, he was King of all Cats –
His influence and dominion being all over
The world as we know it.  He wore always his crown,
Featuring the earth pointing up and moreover

When he came by to visit, respectfully you bowed,
In the hope he’d not come for corrections.
His Crown would wobble and give you the scares
When it pointed in every direction.

“King of All Cats hmmm?” Sergeant Todd nodded his head,
“So that’s where it all did begin then?”
But how did you end up in here in the bleachers with things that you have “collected?”
And your entire family is now being suspected.”

“The burglary crimes are very strong Leo you see
And were it not for my really good nature,
I’ d see you in court like the rest, guilty as
Up to your neck in all legislature.”

“For me and my men, for the Crown as a whole
For the victims who long to find out why,
And who is the burglar just taking their things
Your activities have raised such a hue and cry.”

“Ah Sergeant Todd see here man, I’ve a family to keep
And provide for, the mice aren’t enough!
We have competition you see, and you have to believe
That it’s tough to get plenty of foodstuff.”

“I am Leo, the Cat known on the streets as THE MAN
Leader of this clan and expected to provide for.
My talents I use, and my brains for to plan
And I have to show that I am a good father.”

End part2

Click here for Part 3

Thanks for reading my blog
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Debbie Nicholson

Click here for your Audio link to this blog

Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links

Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

The Story of Charlie

Cat Burglars


Suffolk in England

Royal Memorabilia

British Crown Jewels

Amis de Chat Book 2


Amis de Chat

New Product Launch

The Tales Of Leo pt1

Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived 2 cats
Who were mysterious in every way
They looked so alike you couldn’t really tell
Which was which or who was who depending on their smell.

Parents they were, of a moderate brood
Of kittens who shared their features.
Their skills were in sports where they made their home
To live way in the back beneath bleachers.

It’s their habits we come to you this day
To share with you that which we’ve learned.
The pickups and bring homes of startling discoveries
Among which other things  turns out we’re concerned.

Who would have thought that each kitten they raised,
They imprinted upon each what to do when
Sergeant Todd came around, to check up on them
And to confiscate what he found in their home again.

“Oh Leo, you know, what you’re doings not right,
The bad habits you’ve got yourself deep in.
And now you have lured your girlfriend in this,
And she is exactly well, let’s put it, your shoe in.”

Sergeant Todd was a kindly old soul, walking around,
He was always going to games on his beat.
He had been told about Leo and Cleo and theirs,
So to their home he finished his day quite complete.

“Every day I come here and Leo I find,
Every scrap that reports at the station.
Why do you do it Leo my lad?
What got your started? What is the causation?”

“Ah Sergeant Todd, if I told, there would many be hurt
As it goes back to afore Henry 8th.”
Well that’s a few hundred years of tales to be told,
Would I had time, and I would stop by more often.”

End part1

Click here for part 2

Thanks for reading my blog
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Debbie Nicholson

Click here for your Audio link to this blog

Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

Our Favourite Links


Cathy’s Well Groomed Site

Debbie’s Other Blog

The Story of Charlie

Cat Burglars


Suffolk in England

Royal Memorabilia

British Crown Jewels

Amis de Chat Book 2


Amis de Chat

New Product Launch