The Tales of Leo pt4

“Ah well, any more Sergeant Todd? I declare,
Are there items you see that are claimed for
On your list that I see that you have carefully
Unfolded, it looks mighty long Sir.”

“No, no, I have looked and is this all you have?
Is this the collection you have from yesterday?”
“Yes, it is all right here, I remember you said
That you needed to look every day.”

“Well, we are a great team – with my list and your things
Better to go about it rather professional.
That way we can keep the complainers at bay
And to make sure to keep all things quite credible. “

So off with his goods, neath his arm tightly tucked
Sargent Todd left in seeming good spirits.
He laughed to himself when he mused what they’d done.
“Cats as burglars, who’d think?  When I read the minutes. “

It’s hard to suppose, that a mere cat can be guilty
Of such crime right beneath all their noses
“Their own faults,” he says, “because they do take them in
Giving them food, water, shelter when it hoses.”

“I bet Leo uses every opportunity to scope
All the places that are so friendly to him.
So when it is time all they all need is to climb
Over the walls, and I bet he lets them straight in!”

“And 7 there be soon, so the hauls will amass
I wonder what Leo does with what’s over?
He does wait for me, thankfully, Cleo’s a good lass
She has tamed him, he was such a pushover.”

“How times have changed, since Leo came to town
When I found him, so desperately starving.
Some beggar had gone off and left him to drown
That night never forgot! Leo’s now my son.”



And that’s the end of part 4.

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Debbie Nicholson

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