Part 4

The drivers they scratched their heads and they muttered

To each other, just what could they do now?
They just knew that t’was essential to keep the door shuttered

To keep their small passenger safe and secure somehow.


In Te Kuiti the truck came to a stop suddenly,

It was here their replacements would meet them.

The SPCA with its VET lovingly

Was already standing there to greet them.


They had a cage for to carry our Leo to safety.

The trick was to open the door and to pluck him

From the confines of the truck and they were sure that he’d be

In a panic! They had to grab him by his forelimbs.


Cautiously they all gathered at the back by the door

Listening carefully to all sounds coming from inside.

Leo in the meantime was laid out on the floor.

He was definitely not at all terrified.


The door they inched up on its chains carefully

Expecting to find Leo quite traumatised.

But to their dismay, their attitude cheerfully!

No sign of dear Leo.  But a site quite disorganised.


“Leo,” they called with their cage carefully staged

By the door so he couldn’t escape them.

The last thing they needed was a cat quite enraged

Who could create a lot more frenzied mayhem.


The drivers and VET were puzzled somewhat

When no answer or cat could they locate.

The drivers jumped up and were soon quite dumbstruck

When by the small box of tea there was their mate.


The 3 of them laughed when they realised what had happened

That Leo was full of his catnip.

Therefore getting him into the cage was so easy, unimagined

Settling down on the mattress quite automatic.


Sergeant Todd had enquired and found that a car

Being despatched back to New Plymouth was a day away,

So Leo was put up by Smith’s daughter who thought it all bizarre.

This adventure of Leo was happening on her birthday!

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Debbie Nicholson

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Life Happens Volume 1

Life Happens Volume 1 A Collection of Funny Emails and Facebook Messages Dating From The 1980s To 2012

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